Panopticon_frontier 601
Lead and Silver Times
- The project
- Kafkian suitcases
- Banyuls – Portbou_muga 600
- Bentham’s Panoptic
- Silver moments - Hospitality
- Silver moments - Image's power
- Silver moments - Silver’s (the) wound
- Silver moments - The innocence of evil
- Silver moments - Polysemic house taken
- Silver moments - A goal to survive
- Return home
- Hoouseholds of La Seda
- In Residence-Antaviana
Another end. THE REMAINDER
Discomfort politicisations
- Combinatorial optimization
- Trilogy of privacy
- Antikeres
- Domus Aurea
- Sybil
- Among book wings
- In the inner wine cellar I drank of my beloved
- Europe TV
- Small oranges from China
- Landscape memory
- Constelaciones
- Disappeared Missiones
- Wound of time
River of silver
- No water
- Introducction
Video installations
- Panopticon_frontier 601
- Kafkian suitcases
- Kenosi- Anti-Keres
- Among book wings. Book of sand
- Among book wings. Josefine
- Among book wings. Das Kind
- Domus Aurea
- Sybil
- Desire
- Wound. Narcissus' astonishment
- Wound. Holy Shroud
- Wound. Madelaine
- Cardamom
- From the Pampa to Les Garrigues
- Europa TV
- Europa TV. The viewer
- Correction
Single-channel videos
Video - Documentary
Video - poems
- CAPS.A.10
In December 1999, Nora Ancarola together with Marga Ximenez, I started publishing artist books Edicions1010.
The characteristic of this project is the production of handmade books where poetry and visual art form a unique work. Old techniques, sometimes ancestral and new technologies go hand in hand. Fingerprints, transfers, chalcographic engravings, printing, velvet pages, individualized finishes, make up these short-edition books. They are small works, almost unique in the world of mass reproducibility. Works with «hot aura» in the world of «cold auras».
I have collaborated with the poets Antoni Clapés, Montserrat Abelló, Neus Aguado, Carles Hac Mor, Ester Xargay, Carlos Vitale, Koldo Izagirre and Carme Riera. Artists como Sílvia Alcoba, Carles Pujol, Benet Rossell, Cecilia Postiglioni, Asunción+Guasch, Erramun Landa among others.
Edicions1010 has so far created three collections: Atenea, Babau and Plec, as well as other single-edition books.
- In the Atenea collection, it is the dialogue text-game that shapes its essence; is a collection focused on the visualization of poems, which presents in an intimate way, where the images are an internalization of the poems themselves, with often unusual and surprising finishes and materials. The images ar from Marga Ximenez.
- The Babau collection has also incorporated a video with the voice of the poet himself, with a different format and the inclusion of audiovisual images through the DVD, creating parallel games between image and text, and where reading aloud is a protagonist. The printed images are frames of the video manipulated and adapted to the format through very diverse techniques and with images and documentaries of videographic creation of Nora Ancarola.