Among book wings. Josefine

Produced by: the author
Duration: 10’ 19’’
Made: 2009
Languages: German / Catalan
Formats: DVD
Systems: PAL
Colour: yes
Multichannel: 2 channels at different times
Sound: yes
Licence: copyright

The text Josefine the Singer or the Mouse Folk, by F. Kafka, is partly included in the images. Josefine sings dreadfully, she is a fraud, but people want to recognise excellent singing in her.

Kafka says at the beginning of the text:
“...Our singer is called Josefine. If you have not heard her, you know nothing of the power of song. There is no-one who has not been captivated by her singing, and this is proof of its value, as our race generally does not appreciate music. Quiet is our favourite music; our life is hard and, although we try to forget our everyday concerns, we could never rise to something as far removed from our normal lives as music.”
Josefine represents the fraud required in order to be able to survive.

Text per Marga Ximenez
Text per Lola Donaire