Panopticon_frontier 601
Lead and Silver Times
- The project
- Kafkian suitcases
- Banyuls – Portbou_muga 600
- Bentham’s Panoptic
- Silver moments - Hospitality
- Silver moments - Image's power
- Silver moments - Silver’s (the) wound
- Silver moments - The innocence of evil
- Silver moments - Polysemic house taken
- Silver moments - A goal to survive
- Return home
- Hoouseholds of La Seda
- In Residence-Antaviana
Another end. THE REMAINDER
Discomfort politicisations
- Combinatorial optimization
- Trilogy of privacy
- Antikeres
- Domus Aurea
- Sybil
- Among book wings
- In the inner wine cellar I drank of my beloved
- Europe TV
- Small oranges from China
- Landscape memory
- Constelaciones
- Disappeared Missiones
- Wound of time
River of silver
- No water
- Introducction
Video installations
- Panopticon_frontier 601
- Kafkian suitcases
- Kenosi- Anti-Keres
- Among book wings. Book of sand
- Among book wings. Josefine
- Among book wings. Das Kind
- Domus Aurea
- Sybil
- Desire
- Wound. Narcissus' astonishment
- Wound. Holy Shroud
- Wound. Madelaine
- Cardamom
- From the Pampa to Les Garrigues
- Europa TV
- Europa TV. The viewer
- Correction
Single-channel videos
Video - Documentary
Video - poems
- CAPS.A.10
Production: the author
Duration: 7 '34 "
Realization: 2010
Languages: Castilian / Catalan
Master: Mini DV
Formats: DVD
Systems: PAL
Color: yes
Sound: yes
License: Copyright
Self-appropriation of images of previous works video as part of the "ritual" of painting.
Evocations of the past and a script that happens monologue.
A set of associations that occur script.
If my videos taken as a starting point - fit-painting techniques, textures, thickness and not thick, the nuances and the strength, composition and decomposition, glazes and evidence, that said and unsaid , and that showed that only suggested, as Carles Hac Mor-this video, my self-portrait, intended to expose him.
Presented at FLUX Festival author's video, 2010. Barcelona
Text Carles Hac Mor