Panopticon_frontier 601
Lead and Silver Times
- The project
- Kafkian suitcases
- Banyuls – Portbou_muga 600
- Bentham’s Panoptic
- Silver moments - Hospitality
- Silver moments - Image's power
- Silver moments - Silver’s (the) wound
- Silver moments - The innocence of evil
- Silver moments - Polysemic house taken
- Silver moments - A goal to survive
- Return home
- Hoouseholds of La Seda
- In Residence-Antaviana
Another end. THE REMAINDER
Discomfort politicisations
- Combinatorial optimization
- Trilogy of privacy
- Antikeres
- Domus Aurea
- Sybil
- Among book wings
- In the inner wine cellar I drank of my beloved
- Europe TV
- Small oranges from China
- Landscape memory
- Constelaciones
- Disappeared Missiones
- Wound of time
River of silver
- No water
- Introducction
Video installations
- Panopticon_frontier 601
- Kafkian suitcases
- Kenosi- Anti-Keres
- Among book wings. Book of sand
- Among book wings. Josefine
- Among book wings. Das Kind
- Domus Aurea
- Sybil
- Desire
- Wound. Narcissus' astonishment
- Wound. Holy Shroud
- Wound. Madelaine
- Cardamom
- From the Pampa to Les Garrigues
- Europa TV
- Europa TV. The viewer
- Correction
Single-channel videos
Video - Documentary
Video - poems
- CAPS.A.10
Wound. Narcissus' astonishment
Produced by: MX Espai 1010
Duration: 5’17”
Made: 2003
Master: mini VD
Formats: DVD
Systems: PAL
Colour: yes
Sound: no
Licence: copyright
“Wound" refers to Nora Ancarola's entire creative process over almost twenty-five years of production, in which painting has been the most outstanding feature and where the introduction of new image media, such as photography and video, constitute a metaphorical "wound". It is, it should be said, an irreverent intrusion in terms of the criticism involved in the way the representation is made.
One feature of the works in this group of installations is the fact that they were created based on self-appropriation of images from previous works. In a way, they are arranged as a palimpsest, although in each work the artist organises them based on a triple operation: the juxtaposition of images in layers, which is what gives the feeling of a palimpsest; the conjunction between images, through interrelation; and the doubling of them through double and triple reflection (projections, crystals, mirrors...), creating a Baroque effect, moving the place of the representation, dislocating the idea of place and leading to the appearance of several places.
All this also impels you to move your multiplying viewpoint. The way you look at the work is destabilised, and this reinforces the "wound" - the crack in the sense - when you go right into what is being represented Some images suggest Christ-like symbols, others arise from an exploration of classical myths, and all the works shout a warning to a subjective, autobiographical world, which is updated and which updates us as it drives us to recognise the need for autobiography itself…(extract from a text by Lola Donaire)
Text by Lola Donaire