Panopticon_frontier 601
Lead and Silver Times
- The project
- Kafkian suitcases
- Banyuls – Portbou_muga 600
- Bentham’s Panoptic
- Silver moments - Hospitality
- Silver moments - Image's power
- Silver moments - Silver’s (the) wound
- Silver moments - The innocence of evil
- Silver moments - Polysemic house taken
- Silver moments - A goal to survive
- Return home
- Hoouseholds of La Seda
- In Residence-Antaviana
Another end. THE REMAINDER
Discomfort politicisations
- Combinatorial optimization
- Trilogy of privacy
- Antikeres
- Domus Aurea
- Sybil
- Among book wings
- In the inner wine cellar I drank of my beloved
- Europe TV
- Small oranges from China
- Landscape memory
- Constelaciones
- Disappeared Missiones
- Wound of time
River of silver
- No water
- Introducction
Video installations
- Panopticon_frontier 601
- Kafkian suitcases
- Kenosi- Anti-Keres
- Among book wings. Book of sand
- Among book wings. Josefine
- Among book wings. Das Kind
- Domus Aurea
- Sybil
- Desire
- Wound. Narcissus' astonishment
- Wound. Holy Shroud
- Wound. Madelaine
- Cardamom
- From the Pampa to Les Garrigues
- Europa TV
- Europa TV. The viewer
- Correction
Single-channel videos
Video - Documentary
Video - poems
- CAPS.A.10
Make by Josep Asunción + Gemma Guasch and Nora Ancarola / Marga Ximenez from the catalogs of the 10th anniversary of the MXEspai 1010 with the participation of those attending the celebration held in La Virreina.
Single copy. 2008
Throughout the work in progress kenosi, the artists Asunción + Guasch have been developing a series of performance actions linked to the experience of the emptying process given by the disappearance, the prey of awareness of the presence of the one who is no longer there. In these actions, in which the artists involve the attendees to participate actively - cutting or covering texts and images -, the emptiness becomes more real than the full and the invisible exerts more pressure than the visible one.
The object-product of the artists' action was received by Nora Ancarola and Marga Ximenez at the time they were working within the project Trilogy of privacy. The intervened catalog, cut out, emptied made them reflect on their own actions at the MX Espai1010 and on the task as managers in relation to their own work as artists.
Installation presented at the Arts Santa Mònica center in Barcelona in 2010, at Tinglado 2 in Tarragona and at the IEI in Lleida in 2013.